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Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 39-62https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-39
Hoering, Uwe

Globalisation with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of the State in China's Belt and Road Initiative


By looking at the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an expansion of the Chinese development path, this article is trying to elaborate some of the distinctive characteristics of the role of the state in this development, ist relevance for the shape of the BRI and the impacts for the development perspectives of the participating countries. Starting from the description of the Chinese development strategy as a variant of the developmental state and the localisation of the BRI in the current growth and structural crisis of the Chinese accumulation model, three short country case studies illustrate how BRI is designed as a response to the crisis and what the sometimes conflict-laden repercussions can be for the participating countries.


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Fuchs, Daniel; Wenten, Frido

China's Political Economy under Xi Jinping - The Beginning of a 'New Era'?

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 4-16https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-4
  • Abstract
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Schmalz, Stefan

The Three Stages of Chinese Capital Export

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 17-38https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-17
  • Abstract
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This article identifies three stages of Chinese capital export. A first period started in 1999, when state-owned companies invested in commodity supply and infrastructure in the Global South; a second period after the global financial crisis of 2008, a period in which the focus of investors shifted to the Global North, in particular the EU. During this time, takeovers of tech companies by Chinese private companies became more important. Since 2017, a third period has begun. Chinese state-led internationalization is in crisis: there are growing conflicts with the US and EU member states, while Chinese FDI is decreasing. In this article, these developments will be presented by drawing on world-systems analysis and by analysing data on Chinese investment.

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Tian, Miao

Legal Resistance with Collective Mobilisation - Patterns of Chinese Labour Protest in the 2010s

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 63-85https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-63
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Drawing on the dispatched workers’ protest in the automotive joint-venture FAW-VW, this paper analyses the power resources of the temporary workers and how workers are mobilised to extract concessions from the employer. The author finds a protest pattern of ‘ legal resistance with collective mobilisation’ in which workers organise themselves through a legal dispute and act collectively on their workplace bargaining power. The study suggests further research should be done to address the connections between the strategies of labour resistance and labour relations in workplaces under circumstances of changing workforce composition, labour regulations, and economic slow-down.

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Mefano Fares, Tomaz

The Rise of State-Transnational Capitalism in the Xi Jinping Era: A Case Study of China's International Expansion in the Soybean Commodity Chain

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 86-108https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-3-86
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

China’s reform period has inaugurated different processes of capital accumulation from which new capitalist classes have emerged. The expansion of these classes in the soybean commodity chain and their relationship with the state have triggered different forms of integration into global supply chains. However, the development trajectory of China’s soybean complex has contributed to the rise of a single dominant class faction: the state-transnational capitalist class. This class has been nurtured by the fancially-driven, internationalised expansion of the China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO). Its prominence has enabled COFCO to replicate its expansion methods abroad and, consequently, to change China’s role in the world soybean commodity chain.

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COFCO, soybean commodity chain, internationalisation, Xi Jinping, China

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