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Sprache: EnglischSeiten: 67-90https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-67
Vázquez, Rolando; Bobadilla, Carla

“What would it mean to decolonise Europe?” Arts, Options and Practices to overcome Modernity/Coloniality


5.90 EUR
Kusche, Franziska; Seidl, Gregor; Korak, Johannes; Torres Heredia, Marcela

Europa an seinen Platz rücken. Warum die globalen kolonial/ modernen Machtverhältnisse nicht bloß beschrieben, sondern verändert werden müssen

Sprache: DeutschSeiten: 5-66https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-5
  • Abstract
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Castro Varela, María do Mar

Welt „begreifen“ statt „ergreifen“: Bildungsfragen und Strategien des (Re-)Worlding

Sprache: DeutschSeiten: 91-113https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-91
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

Die Frage der Wissensproduktion bildet einen der Dreh- und Angelpunkte eines postkolonialen Politikverständnisses. Doch wie kann nicht
nur eine eurozentrische Repräsentationspraxis und Wissensproduktion problematisiert, sondern auch ein epistemischer Wandel herbeigeführt werden? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, nicht-eurozentrisch zu denken? Müssen wir auf Bildungsinstitutionen europäischen Zuschnitts verzichten, oder können diese so transformiert werden, dass sie Widerständigkeiten Raum geben anstatt den hegemonialen Machtstrukturen zu dienen? Der Beitrag lotet die Herausforderungen postkolonialen Denkens aus und diskutiert Strategien für einen politischen und epistemischen Wandel in Universität und Globaler Bildung.

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Torres Heredia, Marcela

From Absences to the Ecologies of Knowledges: Colonial and Decolonial Aspirations in the Scholarly Communication System

Sprache: EnglischSeiten: 114 - 151https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-114
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

The mechanisms of a scholarly communication system based on monocultural logics discourages plurality, reproduces epistemological absences,
asymmetries, and hierarchical mechanisms of knowledge generation and dissemination. Considering the diversity of the fields of knowledge, practices, communities, research emphases, languages, infrastructures, and regional, local and disciplinary particularities, a monocultural publication system tends to promote homogenisation by marginalising or negating the existence of everything not conforming to the one logic. The Open Access field of discussion raises several these issues and impulses initiatives working on alternative approaches to them. Setting up plural and equitable conditions in the generation, dissemination and dialogue of diverse forms of knowledge is the central feature of a perspective based on generating and strengthening ecologies, involving diverse actors previously absent from these discussions while considering the conditions of inequality. Strengthening existing initiatives which are already working on the construction of more plural and equitable forms of scientific and academic
communication is fundamental.

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Fritsch, Katharina ; Hamza, Mounir Hamada

Komorische Kunst und Postkolonialismus: eine Dialog-Montage auf der Basis des Dokumentarfilmprojekts Histoires de Twarab à Marseille

Sprache: DeutschSeiten: 152-176https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-152
  • Abstract

Dialog (online)

Corrado, Alessandra

Coloniality and Decoloniality in the Mediterranean: Understanding Migrant Labour in the Global Colonial Agri- Food System

Sprache: EnglischSeiten: 177 - 197https://doi.org/37-1-77
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

Global agri-food value chains rely heavily on the exploitation of migrant labour. This context involves mechanisms of racialisation, a hierarchical organisation of social relations, and the reproduction of colonialcapitalist relations of production, which most adequately can be explained by Aníbal Quijano´s concept of coloniality. Drawing on this theoretical approach, the paper analyses recent transformations in the agri-food system in Southern
Europe. In the face of dominant capitalist coloniality, anti-systemic movements for food sovereignty aim to build oppositional practices and models based on epistemic alternatives. One specific case of these, SOS Rosarno, in Southern Italy, which consists of an alliance of different subjects, is looked at closely.

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Aguilar, Valiana; Icaza, Rosalba

Un Feminismo Otro. A Dialogue-Text-Invitation on the (Im) possibilities of Encountering Each Other Across the Colonial Divide

Sprache: EnglischSeiten: 210-238https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-210
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

Are encounters across the colonial divide possible in a world that is deeply divided between those who consume the lives of others and of
Earth and those who are consumed? ‘Encounters’ here denote moments of possibility opened up by the rupture from, and refusal of, what keeps us incapable of connecting with others who are radically different from us. Our text is organised as a dialogue-text-invitation to our imagined readers-listeners-fellow worlds travellers to consider the following: that ‘ learning each other’ as an onto-epistemic praxis of knowing otherwise cannot solely be explained or fully determined by its opposition to the systems of domination and the order that it confronts. The aim of our dialogue-text-invitation is not to decolonise relations between women that occupy different subject positions. We neither aim to transgress, nor resist established academic criteria. Our aim is to display the (im)possibilities of learning, speaking, listening and getting to know oneself and others as a plural self(ves), and as communal self(ves). We would have liked this text to be a recording of our voices speaking to each other in Spanish, a colonial language, yet one that allows us to speak and listen to each other. We consider that if reading and listening to us leads to the acknowledgement and undoing of coloniality that to this day constitutes the point of departure of academic writing, disciplines and feminism, it means that, our story is becoming yours too.

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Ribeiro, Ana Beatriz; Auerbach, Jess; Burton, Eric; Bauer, Rolf


Sprache: DeutschSeiten: 239 - 254https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-37-1-239
  • Abstract


Fritsch, Katharina ; Hamza, Mounir Hamada

L’art comorien et postcolonialisme: un dialogue-monté à partir d’un projet de documentaire intitulé « Histoires de Twarab à Marseille »

  • Abstract

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